Frittata Recipe


1 whole diced bell pepper (capsicum)
3/4 cup shredded emmantel cheese
3 inches long stem chives, sliced in ¼ lengths (for color and flavor on top)
6 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1 1/2 cups various mushrooms, cleaned and sliced to fill
arugula or mustard greens (for color and flavor on top)
2 tablespoons regular olive oil
1/2 teaspoon red chili flakes (pepperoncin)
3 medium shallots, sliced thin
3 dashs of soy sauce
2 small or (one large) tomatoes, deseeded and diced
2 tablespoons water
1 ounce sweet saki
How to Make It:
In a large mixing bowl add six eggs, soy sauce and water and whisk vigorously to incorporate air. (Hint: a large bowl should result in a shallow mixture that more readily allows the air bubbles to develop. An electric hand mixer can reduce a labor.) Set aside

In a ten inch non-stick pan add olive oil and heat over a medium flame.

Add olive oil and sliced shallots, fry until just approaching transparency

Add mushrooms, bell pepper, and red pepper flakes stirring frequently until all are tender and shallots show very slight caramelization

Without removing the contents, deglaze pan with the saki, stirring and scraping the bottom vigorously for 1 minute.

Add diced tomatoes and cook for one more minute

Giving one last vigorous whisk, add egg mixture to the pan and reduce flame to low. Cover pan with a lid or aluminum foil with the reflective side facing inCheck pan contents frequently. Using a spatula to lift an edge of the frittata will allow you to check the bottom. Your looking for the top to approach firmness and the bottom to become golden brown. Timing is critical.With the top half inch of the frittata still slightly liquid, add shredded cheese, spreading evenly across the surface. Replace cover and cook until cheese melts, approximately 1 minute.Toss chives across the surface and lace with fresh ground black and red pepper to taste

Replace cover and cook for one more minute or until firm on top.Turn off flame and allow to set for two – three minutes.The frittata can be loosened with a large plastic spatula and slid on to a serving plate or served directly from the frying pan using a plastic pie wedge spatula.

Serve with a tossed salad and crusty bread.Source:

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie


1 tablespoon of brown sugar
1 cup of canned pumpkin
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
6 cubes of ice
1 cup of soy milk (or dairy milk)
1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder
How to Make It:
Add all ingredients to the blender in order of the listed ingredients.

Blend until perfect consistency is achieved.
Source: Foodista

Pecan Waffles


sauteed Apples or Pears (see below)
orange cream (see below)
1/4 cup fat-free cholesterol-free egg product or 2 egg whites
fruit-flavored syrups
spice honey (see below)
lemon curd
cups fat-free (skim) milk
2 tablespoons orange peel grated
1/4 cup chopped pecans
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
2 cups reduced fat Bisquick(r)
vegetable oil
How to Make It:
Spray UNHEATED heart-shaped or traditional waffle iron with cooking spray; then heat waffle iron. Or heat waffle iron; then grease with vegetable oil or shortening. Stir all ingredients except pecans and Topping until blended. Stir in pecans.

Pour onto center of hot waffle iron. Close lid of waffle iron.

Bake about 5 minutes or until steaming stops. Carefully remove waffle.

Serve with Toppings.Yields: three 9-inch traditional waffles

Toppings: Orange Cream: Stir 2 tablespoons frozen (thawed) orange juice concentrate into 3/4 cup frozen (thawed) whipped topping until blended.

Sauteed Apples or Pears: melt 2 tablespoons margarine or butter in 10-inch skillet over medium heat; add 2 apples or pears, sliced. Cook, stirring frequently, until tender.
Source: Foodista

Baby Spinach With Fettuccini, Apricots & Walnuts


1 tablespoon Apricot Preserve
2 bunches of Baby Spinach – cut hard stems off
1 quart of Button Mushrooms
1 quart of Button Mushrooms
1/2 teaspoon ground chili paste
1/2 cup dried Apricots -sliced
1 box of Fettuccini
5 cloves garlic – crushed & chopped
3/4 cup cup olive oil+ ¼ olive oil
Romano Cheese for garnish
Romano Cheese for garnish
1/2 cup walnuts –chopped
4 cups water
How to Make It:
In a large heated frying pan combine olive oil and garlic and let the garlic saut on a low flame, until it gets a little golden on the edges.

Add the mushrooms to the garlic and oil and let them saut on a low flame, until they are golden.

Add the spinach to the mushrooms, garlic and oil and cook the spinach down. Do Not! Overcook the spinach.

Add the Apricots and the nuts to the spinach, toss and remove from the heat.Prepare the Fettuccini as directed on the box and add to the spinach.Prepare the dressing to drizzle over the completed dish and toss.

Pear and Pesto Crostini


1/2 loaf French bread
2 cups packed basil leaves
2 cups packed basil leaves
1 clove garlic
1/4 cup pine nuts
1/4 cup Pecorino Romano
1/4 cup Pecorino Romano
3 tablespoons your best olive oil
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 Bosc pear
How to Make It:
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Slice French loaf into 1/2-inch-thick slices, and brush (or spray, if you have one of those nifty Misto things) with olive oil.

Place slices on baking sheet and toast in oven for 10-15 minutes, or until edges are a deep golden brown.

Remove from oven and set aside.

While those are in the oven, make your pesto. In a food processor, combine basil leaves, garlic clove, pine nuts and Romano cheese. Pulse until pesto is coarse in texture, like coarse sand.

Add in olive oil and process until fully incorporated. Taste.

Add salt and pepper, if needed. Scrape pesto into a serving bowl or dish and set aside. (You should have about 3/4 cup.)
Source: Foodista
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